2016 fashion popular colors for women

First, energetic orange

Energetic orange is the main color in 2016, it looks like put some powder in orange which is allowing the design of color to become more active and have a strong sense of vitality.

energetic orange color energetic orange fashion dress


Photo by: energetic orange fashion dress from www.dressesmallau.com

Two, pink yellow

Pink yellow has sun’s general enthusiasm and energy, it is combination of cute and mature, elegance and natural blend. Pink yellow is one of popular colors in this spring and summer.

pink yellow flowers pink yellow fashion dress


Photo credit: yellow fashion dress from Dressesmallau

Third, coral pink

Coral pink is as bright colors as coral, mostly refers to a pale pink with a cream color. Coral Pink is the latest popular pink color in this season, it brought a freshness, it is a color which is easy win the goodwill for women.

coral pink color coral pink fashion dress

Fourth, Burgundy

Burgundy is one of the red color, with the French Burgundy from Burgundy color similar to the name, Burgundy red wine is very popular in fashion world in recent years.

 Burgundy cake

 Burgundy color fashion dress

Fifth, turquoise blue

Turquoise blue mystery with a sweet which can add more exotic appeal for the overall design.

musk blue flower musk blue fashion dress


Photo by: blue fashion dress from Dressesmallau.com

Six, musk blue

Musk blue is one of blue and purple color, it is one of the most popular blue color in this season’s most popular blue, its appear will brighten the throughout summer colors a lot.
turquoise blue color turquoise blue fashion dress

Seven, Earth texture

The natural texture of nature, marble, crack, stone grain, etc. are very good fashion element in 2016..

Earth texture fashion elements Earth texture fashion dresses